Leicestershire Fire and Rescue service were called to a House fire on Lewis Close, Leicester around 13.30 (Friday 30th April).

1 appliance from Western Station, 2 x appliance from Eastern Station, 1 x appliance from Southern Station and 1 x Command Support Vehicle from Wigston Station, 1 x Emergency Response Vehicle.
Several calls received to a house on fire with persons inside the property. Fire was believed to have started from outside the property but was starting to affect the ground floor.

Upon approach fire crews confirmed a large plume of black smoke could be seen.
External fire at the rear of the property had spread to the house and neighboring property. 6 Breathing Apparatus, 3 Hose Reel Jets and 2 Main Jets in use. All persons accounted for.
Two occupants were rescued and led to safety prior to Fire Service arrival. Gas and electricity has been isolated to the property and a Red Cross Emergency Response vehicle was mobilised to assist residents.
14:35 Damping down and turning in progress and Fire investigation is now under way and a second property was also affected by fire.
17:10 An Aerial Ladder Platform was mobilised to assist with isolating the solar panels.
18:30 Aerial Ladder Platform is in use to isolate solar panels. Tier 2 Fire Investigation continues.
19:30 Aerial Ladder Platform now left the scene - solar panels made safe. 1 fire engine remains in attendance continuing operations.
Fire investigation now complete, cause believed electrical fault from charging of electrical mobility scooter.
Severe fire, heat and smoke damage has been caused to a large proportion of the property of origin plus some damage to the soffits of neighbouring property.
Ensure you have working smoke alarms.
Fire safety in the home is essential in order to keep you and your family safe. The easiest way to protect your home and family from fire is with working smoke alarms.
Fit at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home. The ideal position is on the ceiling, in the middle of a room, and on the hallway and landing, so you can hear an alarm throughout your home. Don’t forget to test your smoke alarms at least once a month.
Visit https://leics-fire.gov.uk/your-safety/at-home/ for more information.