Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Rupert Matthews has called a meeting on 16 January to give residents in East Leicester the opportunity to share their views on crime and policing.

The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland PCC will be joined by Chief Constable Rob Nixon and local police officers for the event which will be held at Wesley Hall Community Centre.
There will be a short presentation from both the PCC and the Chief Constable looking at the work underway to address community safety and crime prevention in the area.
Residents will then be invited to ask questions and raise any concerns about safety in their area to help ensure resources are allocated to where they are needed most.
Mr Matthews said: "This is a great opportunity for people here in east Leicester to meet both those setting the policing priorities and those delivering them. They can ask questions of me, the Chief Constable and their local neighbourhood policing team.
"I think it's important that we tell people what we are doing to meet their policing needs and the work we are doing as part of the ongoing crime prevention strategy to make their communities safer.
"The various communities of east Leicester can face different challenges. One of my priorities as Commissioner is to understand these unique problems so we can design solutions together. It is important we get it right for everyone and you can help us make a difference by sharing your concerns."
The meeting will be held between 6.30pm and 8pm at Wesley Hall Community Centre, 76 Hartingdon Street, Leicester, LE2 0GN.
Anyone wishing to book a space for this meeting, or who has a question that they would like answered during meeting, is asked to email opcc@leics.police.uk or call 0116 229 8980.
Remaining spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.