The large industrial fire on the Winchester Avenue Industrial estate in Blaby is still burning.

The Main fire is now under control. Fire service is still working damping down at the site and electricity company are digging up the street to isolate and reconnect the power.
The Fire is at a bedding warehouse called Get Laid Beds. Dark black smoke was reported early this afternoon this is due to the nature of bedding materials stored in the warehouse, wood and foam.
Watch the video taken just after 6pm tonight.
Video By Leicester Media
A spokesperson for the Leicestershire fire service confirmed that the call for assistance was received at 12:55. 8 fire appliances plus ladder platform and 1 water Carrier was used to fight the main fire, the incident is now scaled down to 4 fire appliances.
Fire service will remain at site until incident is close.
Western Power are reconnecting businesses adjacent to the building and power should be restored shortly.
Updated News Friday 8th March
Fire investigation have now been completed.
A spokesman from Leicestershire Fire service said : “I can confirm that the cause was accidental. The fire was started due to the ignition of waste materials in a spray booth.”
Pictures by Leicester Media
The Road to the estate should be reopened for tomorrow’s trading.